Exploring the Secret to Immortality: Redefining Life and Death

John F. Harrigan

Ever pondered what life could be if you lived forever, joyfully and free? Picture a world where the omnipresent narrative of mortality is replaced by an eternity of vitality and happiness. 

Today, we're redefining immortality, not as a superhero's attribute, but a possibility for all of us to tap into an eternal consciousness. 

In our spirited discussion, we're challenging the conventional wisdom of life and death, using mindfulness, qigong, and coaching as our guide to foster eternal life. As we traverse this fascinating path, we'll draw from the wisdom of spiritual leaders such as Jesus and Buddha to understand the inner workings of immortality. 

Join us as we journey towards unshackling the chains of pain and hurt, and embracing eternity as an attainable state of existence. Are you ready to explore the secret to immortality?

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Have the best day of your life.

You are immortal now!

This is John Harrigan with the Secret to Immortality podcast, where we show how to live your best and be all you can be. We suggest that we're born to live forever Happy, joys and free. But the reason we don't live forever happily is the consequence of how we're creating ourselves in the world. 

With the Secret to Immortality, we suggest there is a problem that we've all fallen into a death-directed life, aware of this or not. So our number one problem in life we suggest for everyone is that we've fallen into a death-directed life, aware of this or not, where we're living toward death, where we're moving toward death, where we're involved in killing people, other animals and things. So death is probably the primary creative instruction we give to this world we live in. So we suggest that it's no surprise that the outcome of hardship, calamity, death and pain result when we're killing things, when we're consciously seeing death as the natural outcome of life, when it's not natural at all. It's something that we create ourselves, is our strong suggestion. 

We don't ask you to believe in this at all, and the Secret to Immortality is really only for people where this makes sense for you and this is something that you want to do. It's something that I've been doing all of my life. I started deliberately living the Secret to Immortality about the age of 16, 15, 16, when I met an American elder living her own immortality process and sharing that, and for her it wasn't any part of any religion, philosophy or anything else. Of course, always part of it is compassion, love, forgiveness and understanding more and more and more. But she had really discovered her core self, her soul, how to live as that soul in the moment, the eternal now, the immortal. Nowcom is our website, and she showed me a little bit and shared with me what she was doing. 

And I, geez, at a very young age, maybe six, I was sitting in front of a mirror and I just felt I had lived many previous lives and I just wanted to discover the Secret to Life, what it was all about. I felt I'd always missed that from a pretty young age. So when I met this mentor at the age of, let's say, 15, I can't remember it really 15 or 16, when I met her, it was really the fulfillment of a life direction that I had already chosen, and perhaps fate, if fate is something that's real but it was certainly instrumental in what you have today as the Secret to Immortality that I'm sharing on this podcast. We do not think of immortality as something self-derive. If we think of immortality at all, we think that science someday may bring this about, thank you. But with the secret to immortality, again we suggest there is a problem, that we have fallen into a problem of a death-directed life. 

We're all aware of this to some extent. If we believe death is a natural outcome or inevitable outcome of life, we all think death is on the horizons. We have loved ones that have gotten sick and died, some maybe been injured or whatever. A hardship and suffering is part of this life for most people if you live long enough. So, with immortality on the forefront, the three parts to the secret to immortality are one, mindfulness for immortality, which is what's happening really in most of these podcast episodes. Number two is qigong for lasting life. 

Sometimes I do a little qigong with our meditations here on our podcast. And the third is coaching for immortality, or immortality coaching teaching you how to live in the now, in the eternal now. That is here, right now, as I speak. You're in it as you're listening to me, if you're not too worried about the past or the future and if you're not too involved in the time of day, which we suggest is an artificial construct that takes us away from this eternal consciousness that we all have right now. We just pull away from it left and right and sometimes we pull away from it all day and all night, every day. It's not too hard to get back into that and listen to our podcast today. To do that and go back through the archives that you'll see along with this podcast and find meditations and do those. Back to the idea of this podcast. If we think of immortality at all, generally the world at large, if the world at large thinks of immortality at all, they may. 

We may think that science someday may get us there. Now, being immortal, what we're teaching here today isn't about becoming a superhero. We suggest that that's a trauma response when people get into hero worship putting people on the pedestal, even adults, reasonable adults, putting other adults on the pedestal as if they have all the answers. Nobody has all the answers for you ever, and if you think somebody does, you're in big trouble because you're pulling away away from your soul, your core self, and you put somebody on a pedestal, put yourself on the pedestal. This is a journey to your core, your eternal core and as we get into our core, slowly or quickly, you will have a consciousness, a God consciousness or a higher power consciousness, the consciousness of your core that you share with all of the creation, all the world and everybody in it. You'll have that, you'll understand it and that core consciousness will start to teach you. You know most of what I do. I read a lot of books in my teen years but gradually it's just getting into that God consciousness or this works perfectly well if you're an atheist or agnostic, or just into the deeper consciousness of self. Hindus often talk about that, and yoga practitioners. 

I read a lot of books by Yogi masters that my mom gave me, passed on to me as a teenager. She's my first mentor. If we think of immortality at all in the world, people at large may think of foolish comic book characters, superheroes, if we think of it at all. If we get more into reality, we think and understand that really and absolutely, science will get there someday. But will science still be able to get us to our core, to our soul, and live in this eternal moment? I would say absolutely yes, but the secret to immortality isn't about science and that day when science can do? That isn't today. So we have a unique opportunity of how to grow, how to develop in the here and now of our era and our time, and that's what the secret to immortality is all about. If you think of immortality at all, well, think of immortality, you know. That's the first step to the secret to immortality, one mindfulness for immortality. What is mindfulness? It's a lot of things. It's the typical mindfulness of the day. Mindfulness has become very popular and kind of yanked around and changed by media and enterprise, just the same way yoga has. But it's still here. 

The reality of mindfulness, mindfulness is just getting calm and quiet and becoming more and more aware of the moment, of your liveliness, more and more aware of the moment in which you live right now, as you're listening to me. So mindfulness for immortality is kind of a typical mindfulness where we stop what we're doing for a moment, for a minute, for 10 minutes or more, where we really get into mindfulness. I get into it all throughout the day. I just pause, I can feel if I'm getting too worldly, too into the task and getting tasks done, and I'll relax for a minute. So the secret to immortality and mindfulness for immortality is all about relaxing yourself and if you take our course that you can find at We go into a lot. We have a lot of Qigong classes and essential Qigong education. 

We have that also in our weekly classes that you can get through the monthly membership at If we think of immortality at all, we might think that science someday may get us there, and it absolutely will, if science progresses and we don't destroy ourselves first. But with a secret to immortality, it doesn't really matter what the greater world is doing. It doesn't really matter if there's peace, if there's war or in between. It doesn't matter if society is ruining the ecosystem, which is happening today on a massive scale. None of that matters to our immortality. Work with a secret to immortality. We find ourselves and find our calm regardless of this chaos and change going on in the world. Today and every day really, for someone, somewhere everywhere around the world, there is a crisis, there is a loss, there is a hardship. The secret to immortality takes us through that with strength, balance and goodwill. 

Some religions incorporate the idea of immortality. Where does this immortality come from? It's not my idea. I went to an Episcopal church every Sunday and still do Not, because I'm religious. I'm not. I don't really encourage a blind belief in anything someone's telling you. I think that's kind of an assassination of one's soul, whether you let somebody do that to you or you do that yourself. In the Episcopal church that I grew up in, you were expected to be a critical thinker. When discussions in maybe an educational setting after a church took place, you're expected to have your own opinion and to be thinking about things, never, ever, to be just following what somebody told you to believe. 

Who would be that person telling you to believe something and what God would that be if they told you if you didn't believe what they believed You'd suffer in health for all eternity, placed there by a God that, by the way, loves you. All. That is, I think, asinine, harmful and dangerous, and it has been through the eons of all religions that have tried to harm and wrongly influence people. You have all the love, the compassion, the God within you to find, and if you haven't found it already, I suggest everybody I know that's found it and that's a lot of people at this point you just find bliss, love, relaxation, tolerance, and there's a type of intelligence to it, that God consciousness, that higher power consciousness, but it's not the intelligence, where you learn things, you know things. 

It's just a knowing awareness of everything and it's beautiful and this is what I suggest is in every single person that's ever been born. And I think that the spiritual leaders let's say you know, my experience is with Christianity, so the real Jesus before Jesus got, before his story was changed around, to agree with the egos of people telling that story. And I again think, man, you have to be careful If somebody's telling you you have to believe what they believe, you have to do what they say to do or you're going to hell. I think that's kind of a sociopathic individual, whether they have owned up to how they're harming the populace. So what great ideas. Or let's pick on Christianity. You know my, my qigong that I teach is from Dawes and I'll talk about that later. My current mentor of 27 years was brought up by Tibetan Buddhists, taught by them, he as the reincarnation of the healing Tibetan healing Buddha. But he was also, from his early teens, trained by Dawes in the Wudang mountains. But they're not teaching him Dawism at all. They're far beyond Dawism or anything that can be taught, because anything that is really taught or anything that's even written down from what I write down from what I'm saying to you. That isn't it. 

If any words are good, they bring you towards your own core, they bring you to your own immortal soul. You know, no words have the facts, no words have the truth. Because as soon as we get into words we kind of contract into an egoistic mindset. That isn't bad. It helps us survive in many ways in the right situation in the right time. So in Christianity, looking at it eternal and I'm not teaching Christianity at all, I'm just saying I think Jesus was teaching the secret to immortality. From my perspective and the perspective of other priests I've talked to, in Christianity, eternal love is the primary focus or promise. It's really all Jesus ever talked about in the account of what Jesus said in the Bible. Again, you know I'm an educated person. I know that if you just tell a story and have it told person to person around in a group of 16 people, the story is going to sound very different by the 16th person. 

We change stories. So I'm not encouraging religion, just kind of the opposite. Please start thinking independently and testing information you get with the secret to immortality. The only value of it is you practice the things that we're teaching you on our website and you do them and you see if it works for you and you see if it doesn't. If it doesn't work for you, then it may not be your thing, but it does take time. It takes at least a few months of practicing the Qigong and listening on a daily basis to this podcast and reading articles on our blog at In the story of the New Testament, it has Jesus returning from the death as his physical self. He wasn't like a ghost, he was a physical being, stating that he stated throughout his life on earth that what he was doing was for all humans to do and greater still, people would do greater things than he did. But you know what is the way of life that we have to live? Well, jesus, what did Jesus say? What did Buddha say? What did the any of the great a spiritual teachers say, in Islam or whatever, always, it's compassion and forgiveness, forgiving your enemy. What could be more radical than that? I forgive the person that harmed me the greatest in my life. And let's start there. 

You can start your Immortality work by beginning with the person that it's harmed you most and finding a way to let go of Of your attachment to how much that person hurt you. It doesn't happen in a day, but you, there needs to be a beginning, a beginning to let go of how you've been harmed. Only then can you heal and find your strength. So Jesus had some great stories to tell, but you know, throughout all religion people kind of Changed the story. Even though it's right there in black and white, they changed. Well, I think. Here it says you got to die first and then blah, blah, blah. I don't want to go into that, I just want to stay. 

Say stridently the secret to immortality is not about religion, not saying get rid of your religion if you're in it, but I'm definitely saying question everything and question people that are trying to control your life, because really no one should be trying to control your life, especially what you think and what you believe. How can you find your core self, your soul, if somebody's telling you that you aren't that person and you need to look elsewhere for what you need and want? 

Just a warning about the world at large Stop following people, stop following ideas. The secret to immortality isn't anything to be followed or believed in, it's something to practice. I have a mentor. I've been with him for 27 years and he's teaching qigong for immortality. But most people in his class they don't hear that when he says that and they think it's just for better and better health, which it is. But he studied with Da was the mortals in the mountains of wudang. My understanding is they don't. They don't stay here forever, but I'm lives of 250 years or about typical. My teacher came back one year years ago very kind of despondent. His own teacher in the wudang mountains had just disappeared. We said that he died. He said no, he just went poof. So that's all for this Podcast episode. Please go to our website and moral now calm for more. Bless you and keep you.