How to Create the Eternal You!

John F. Harrigan

What You'll Discover in Today's Episode!

Ever wondered about the profound truths of our existence and the secret to immortality? 

Today, we're pulling back the veil on these existential questions and exploring how we can shape our lives and the world around us through our thoughts, words, and actions. 

Unearthing the power of conscious choices, we discuss alignment with our eternal soul, a key to unlocking joy and happiness. 

In our materialistic world, living a soulful life can be challenging. We tackle this issue head-on, exploring how childhood experiences, our environment, and even genetics influence our lives. 

More importantly, we share invaluable insights and practical tips on creating a natural home environment, tapping into the power of nature, and reducing stress. 

Join us as we navigate these life-changing topics and unlock the secret to immortality.

How to Live the Secret to Immortality

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You are immortal now!

This is John Harrigan with the Secret to Immortality podcast, where we show you how to live your best and be all you can be. We suggest that we're born to live forever all of us happy, joyous and free. But the reason we don't live forever happily is the consequence of how we're creating ourselves In the world. We suggest that everything we do, consciously or without awareness, shapes our lives and gives us what we have. Compassionate thoughts, words and actions result in a compassionate world. Killing, death and harm create a world of hardship and dying for everyone. Goodwill can go viral as well as unkind thought. We live in a reflexive reality that gives back to us the quality that we put into our lives. We program ourselves, our bodies, in the natural world, by our behavior, by what we do. Kind, compassionate are in between In the world. The natural world and our bodies give back to us what we put into it, how we program our bodies, by what we eat, what we do, what we think, and I suggest that, with a secret immortality, we suggest that the natural world is as much as who we are, as our heart, our liver, our spleen, etc. Etc. 

Wherever you are right now, look around, and this is on the subject of how we create ourselves, unconsciously and consciously. Wherever you are, look around. If you're in a building, in a room, look around the room in your house, in an office, a bedroom it's easy to see that we are in a human-created world. If you're in a city, in a building, almost everything around you is a human idea created by human beings Usually not ourselves, but we put ourselves into that and we're responding to human-created ideas. From the cars we drive to mass transportation we may take, to how we communicate with our phones, smartphones, audio video, the homes we live in, the shape and look of the room you may be in right now, where we put ourselves, we're reacting to that environment, to that human idea. Our environment, our human-made environment, is shaping us as we choose to give ourselves to that environment. Now, there are things we can do, lots of things we can do, and we will talk about that some other time. But you can think of those yourself, surrounding yourself with a lot of plants, having prints and paintings, perhaps of nature. There are a lot of things we can do to make an unnatural environment more natural so we can feel ourselves, be ourselves and get more in control of how we're creating our lives. But for most of us who live in cities and even on farms, a farm is human created. You know, all the trees in the bush have been ripped out and instead planting corn, soybeans or whatever is being planted Even on a farm can end up being kind of a natural environment. So for most of us, our world is human created and often to our detriment. 

When we're living in a human created environment, I suggest it's creating consciously or unconsciously, it's creating a lot of stress for us. Research shows that just looking at a picture of nature helps most people relax. So we're in this human created world. We're in a world of death, dying, hardship and pain. How do we shift the force of our life, the direction of our living, to something that more accurately represents our soul, our eternal self, our deep and real being, alive, blissful, happy and free? I suggest to you that's what's in you, waiting to be lived out into the world Something good, something comfortable, something kind, but at the same time, for those of us in cities and not out hiking through the mountains right now, our world is human created, often to our detriment. 

So much of our day and night is lived in human made designs. Our thoughts and feelings come forth in response to this human created world we live in and, with the secret to immortality, we start to get a hold of our life experience. We look at how we're living, we look at where our lives, where our living, has been taking us and with mindfulness for immortality the first part with Qigong for lasting life and immortality coaching the three parts of the secret to immortality we begin to live from our soul, from our eternal self. As we do this, the physical world will respond. For the most part, we allow ourselves to be shaped by what other people have created in thought, what other people have imagined and felt. All around us, as simple as a room may be, and furniture and everything in it, these are usually creations of someone else. 

Do you really want someone else's ideas, thoughts and what motivated these ideas and thoughts? Do you really want all that to be creating you, to be influencing you? We suggest it is and we can get away from that influence by simply being mindful that it's happening. So, as we're in an apartment or a house with a little yard or no yard, there's so much we can do. We can create a wall of hydroponic plants, some decorative, some that we eat. We can do so much to get a natural environment and by deliberately wanting to live toward an eternal consciousness of our soul, it does start to happen, no matter where we are. You could actually do the secret to immortality in a prison cell if that's where you were, where you were stuck and couldn't get out. 

Rarely do we create ourselves with deliberate consciousness, talk and action. We just really go about our day. We watch TV and I watch some TV and we watch movies and I don't always choose deliberately every single iota. That would kind of make me nuts and it would do the same to you. But I have a general direction that I'm living my life and with the secret to immortality, which is this podcast, we're helping you get in contact with your soul direction, your soul consciousness, the greater consciousness of you, and live that into the world. 

Rarely again, rarely do we create ourselves with deliberate consciousness, talk and action. We often let someone else, some other person or people program our lives. Our thoughts, words and actions really function as computer programming. We're programming our life by our thoughts, words and actions and action. This is pretty obvious at the daily level. Everything we do is planned our careers, our lives, how we respond to people. We are at some level choosing it and we're aware of that. But we can choose in a much more effective and profound manner. So again, kind of the bad news is we let someone else, some other person or people program our lives. We do this consciously and sometimes consciously. 

Some of us just really don't want to take responsibility for ourselves, so we find somebody else to follow and believe. I'm going to believe everything that person Says. I should believe and follow them. Well, how is it gonna work out of that person's personality disorder if that person has ascended to a position of power influence because of a personality disorder where they're overwhelmingly driven To get a position of power? I suggest you that most people in political power and so many people in spiritual and specially religious movements are disordered individuals that are just seeking to have control and power over someone. Who are we if we give ourselves to those people and to those ideas, were in trouble and eventually that person is in trouble and it leads all to nowhere. Instead we're finding our soul, we're finding ourselves, and I'm not I'm not really criticizing religion or any other spiritual path, just saying kind of as a warning those are places, any place, where people have control and are telling you what to believe and what to do and what to think. That can happen in religion. I go to a nice, a physical church now, where it doesn't happen at all. But it can happen and it does and it is happening now. 

Unfortunately, a lot of human beings and I think they don't choose to have this type of disorder, but a lot of Human beings emerge into the world with personalities that can lead everyone astray and that's why, with the secret to immortality, we are finding ourselves, we're taking a journey to our core self. Our soul, I suggest, is that is an eternal, blissful, happily, happily living, very happy, infinitely little of love and loving the soul. I suggest you that every spiritual, good spiritual pursuit, every good personal development pursuit Takes you to your authentic self where you can live from that. You may not have everything you want in material sense, goodness, why should you? That would be a constant distraction if you found a way to get everything that you wanted, to be perpetually Getting and generating new possessions. One of the gifts in life is we generally don't get everything we want, and when we get what we want, it doesn't turn out to be what we thought it would be, and that's to our advantage. Everything materialistic leads inevitably to disappointment and emptiness, and that's a discomfort, the pain that leads us back to self so we can get centered, find the bliss, happiness in peace, of who we are Again. 

Rarely do we create ourselves with deliberate consciousness, talk and action. It's just part of the world. Right now, we let someone else, some other person, the person who Developed and created, the people who developed and created that TV show, that computer game we're playing, that console game we're playing. We're constantly giving ourselves to someone else's materialistic creation and I suggest you that most of these materialistic creations Lead us nowhere. Great, you know, we all need to relax, we all need some entertainment, we all need to get our mind away from things and Diversion. Computer games and TV shows and everything like that. They can be an excellent thing if we use them in moderation and don't give ourselves wholly to these activities. But we do give our attention and our lives away to what other human beings have created and I suggest to you that that doesn't lead to a good place. Instead, go into nature and walk through an untouched forest, or as least touched as it can be. 

So how do we give ourselves away? How do we start living with an idea of who we are that's someone else's idea. How have we lost ourselves in a materialistic world where we imagine everything we have and everything we need is somewhere outside of us to be found and to be taken, often by force? Well, the mistake of giving ourselves away to other people's thoughts and other people's beliefs, the mistake of that I suggest with the secret to immortality. We suggest the secret to immortality isn't me, john Harrigan, it's a lot of great spiritual masters before me and a lot of wonderful spiritual mentors in my life. 

We give ourselves away, we lose ourselves, sometimes right out of the chute. This can begin with our parents and childhood environment, where we take in everything, naturally, as a child, as if it were real and factually determined, both good and bad. We allow others to define us, we take in beliefs as if they were absolute fact when they may not be. And again, this believes. These beliefs begin in our childhood, as infants, as babies. We're being affected by the emotionality of our parents or whoever is parenting us. We're being affected by the parents that parented our parents and the parents that parented the parented parents. On and on and on. You get the idea, without even going into genetics and epigenetics, how the behavior of, say, your grandparents is genetically entwined to influence you, how the trauma of your grandparents affects your life today through genetic mechanisms. That's happening. But I don't go into science, even though I, like science, am educated in science and still read a lot of it. 

The secret to immortality is not science, it's just how you are creating your life and how you can live a life from your soul to your soul. When we live a life from our soul to our soul, we are joining with a greater reality than the diminishing you or me. When we live from our soul, the instant we're with our soul, we're joined with all creation. I suggest we're joined with the joy of all creation, with a love of all creation and with the bliss of all creation. There's really no reason to do anything if it doesn't bring you greater joy and happiness, and that's exactly what we're doing with the secret to immortality. 

But the talk today has been mostly mindfulness for immortality. The first of the three parts of the secret to immortality you can find at immortalnowcom. When we look at the three parts of the secret to immortality, mindfulness for immortality is looking at how we're thinking, speaking and acting physically and how is this shaping us? How is this taking us to the soul of who we are, to the gentle, beautiful, wonderful soul of who we are? Or how is this squelching? Squelching that source of life and taking us to hardship and pain? 

Again, it all begins as infants, as we're being influenced by the world around us, as the emotionality, the physical behavior, the look, the feel of everything around us begins to shape us and literally wire up our brain. Most of us let ourselves be defined and controlled by the world around us as infants and children. We don't really have control of how we're being put together, but with the secret to immortality we take control of that life-creating process and we direct it in a better manner toward our soul. But most of us let ourselves be defined and controlled by the world around us as infants, children and adults. We give ourselves to something else, someone else, by choice, even if we're not aware of our choice or are aware of it. Choice, choice, choice. 

Our brain, neuroscientists tell us, is a choice-making machine. Well, it's not a machine, it's a choice-making organ. The brain is very much not a machine at all. It's a living organ, the seat of our consciousness. In many ways, with the secret to immortality, we become aware of who we are and who we're choosing to be, we gain control of our life experience and live from our soul or core self. And we're going to end this podcast episode with that. With the secret to immortality, we become aware of who we're choosing to be and we're choosing to be. Guess what our best self, the most we can possibly be, the infant being of you and me. That's all for today. Bless you and keep you, and see you in the next podcast.