Your Dream of Immortality

John F. Harrigan

We Have a Dream

We all have a dream of who we are, what we can be and want of this world.  This dream, perhaps, is a soul desire. 

Deep inside there's something that beckons and wants our attention, yet we often search for our soul in the external world … when its not there.

Material pursuits can be a strong distraction.

A Search that Leads Nowhere

Our search into the world creates more places to search, until we look within.

  • Our dream, the real human need, is within us as who we are. 

Satisfaction and peace are at our core.  To the extent that we pursue ourselves and grow, we will be happy and at peace with the world.

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Welcome. This is John Harrigan with the Secret to Immortality podcast, where we teach you how to be joyous, happy, free and physically immortal in a physical world. The title of today's podcast is Dream of Immortality. We all have a dream of who we are, what we can be and have in this world. Sometimes we dream of something grand, something impossible, that we want to accomplish, or other times we dream that nothing's possible at all and we couldn't amount to much. We are, in a sense, a creative dream machine, making this physical reality, giving it life, bringing it forth as it is. Our dreams create what we have, what we see. Over time, over eons, individually and collectively, we all have a dream of who we are, what we can be and have in this world. 

Deep inside, there's something that beckons in a positive way. Yet we often search for this need for who we are, our deep itself. We often search for this need to possess and know who we are. We often search for this in the external world when it's not there, and this is an enticing, appealing thing to do. We all need contact. We all need experience of this infinite bliss, with which most of its sense is in ourselves, or at least in the world. We all expect something good, want something good. If we have a chance living in a life that provides reasonable security, deep inside there's something that beckons. Yet we often search for this need in the external world when it's not there. That's a pretty easy way to be tricked. 

I've searched for things in my life, even though the secret to immortality is what I was really birthed into this world. Doing, thinking of doing this as a child, pursuing spiritual awakening, knowing, even though I was on that track, as I got older I got more and more distracted by career, who I should become, earning money, socializing you can think of the varied ways we can be a good person doing good things and still be rather distracted. Is our relationship going the way we want? Do we have a relationship? Shouldn't we have one? We all should really to be fulfilled, happy and at peace. This search in the world for what is actually our deep selves, this search creates more places to search and this is how creation works. I would suggest to you the way I see creation all the universes. In many places we can be and exist. Consciousness can be and exist. 

I suggest that, as we're searching for ourselves in the external world and materiality or even spiritual realms here and there, as we're searching for something else, anything else but ourselves, I suggest we create places to search, we create new universes, new nooks and crannies to look. I suggest that we're in kind of like a holodeck experience that we're creating, that we've planned, perhaps unconsciously or consciously. We're in this holodeck experience where every door we open creates a new universe to explore. And I suggest to you, in our earthly existence we're creating these worlds that we explore. So life is fascinating. I love to learn. I love everything there is to learn. I could search and search forever, but eventually my soul ran out of place. 

Eventually, if we aren't giving attention to who we really are, to our core being, we fall apart. We experience pain In hardship. If we don't get air to breathe, wow, we feel stressed pretty quickly and then we die. If we don't have enough food to eat, we die slowly but stressfully. What if we don't have a place to sleep? We don't have a home and shelter. 

That includes a lot of people in this world. Our dream is within us, is who we are, our big dream, the dream, everything that we want in the world externally, every desire we have, I suggest to you, is really a need to experience our deep self. When we experience this deep self and get closer and closer to it, there is pleasure and everyone that I've ever known and every culture that teaches, awakening and they all do present day or historically. In this deep self, in our soul, there is heaven. And as we access this soul of ourselves, this core me and you as we access this pleasurable, deep, compassionate place, the world transforms. At first it's how we look at the world changes and then it becomes how we're creating the world changes to reflect our inner experience of compassion and beauty. Thus my suggestion we're living in heaven now or we're living in a creation that becomes anything we do. 

If we're harming each other, if we're planning to die, if we think death is the natural outcome of an inevitable, horrible outcome of life for so many, if we think that that is the structure of reality and we just have to accept it, well, our acceptance and our idea of death, I would say, creates death itself. And the more we are into destroying the world, destroying the ecosystems and nature, we're destroying ourselves. And the more we war and mistreat people and the more we live in that, just accepting it as a reality, the more we're giving it life and creating it. So, with a secret immortality, we are responsible, and by taking responsibility for the creation, the creation starts to change and so do we, and it's kind of hard. It's kind of hard to go. Am I responsible for everything? Well, not personally, like the church lady is shaming you that you're responsible. It's just with a magnificent awakening to see how much effect, how much influence we have in this creation in our daily lives. Right day and right now, you have control of how you feel. Right today and this moment, you have a say in what you're thinking. 

We do have control of all that and with the secret to immortality that we teach at ImmortalNowcom, we take you through the three parts of the secret to immortality. The first is mindfulness for immortality. The name of that may give you an idea of what it is. What we're thinking, what we're speaking is so important, how we're acting. The second part is Qigong for lasting life A powerful, powerful but very simple methodology of practice over time for actualizing our immortal physicality. The third part is immortality coaching, just what you may imagine working with somebody a bit farther upon this path. 

This search in the world outside of ourselves for ourself creates more places to search until finally, perhaps with complete exhaustion, we decide to look within. When we're looking outside of ourselves for satisfaction and fulfillment too much, we start to feel pain within ourselves, all types of pain and suffering begins, and that pain is bringing us back into our body saying Hello, here I am John, I'm right here inside you as John. Or if your name is Susan or Mary Jane, and I know a Mary Jane, we're inside you as you, you are inside you as you. We have to think about the outside world. To a certain extent there is joy and happiness and pleasure in the outside world, but it really doesn't start until we understand that we're creating ourselves physically and wordly. As we create the outside world, we're creating all of this. 

It sounds far-fetched, but I'm really teaching the same thing. Any other spiritual advancement class is teaching it. I just suggest you take it to the nth degree. I don't teach Christianity, I'm not particularly religious, but I grew up in a pretty nice Episcopal church in Ohio where there was progressive thinking and unity literature and what I saw Jesus doing is just teaching what I'm teaching now. I'm certainly not the historical Jesus by any stretch of the imagination, but there was a spiritual teacher, jesus, if religion isn't for you. That taught us that there is no such thing as death. If we change the way we're acting and that can be a radical change Can we really love our enemy? Absolutely we can. Everything that Jesus suggested about acting with love, turning the other cheek and things that are difficult to do, we absolutely can do it. But what was being suggested in the teachings of Jesus the day-to-day here and now reality of it is that we're creating all this terrible stuff and I think even in the Old Testament and I'm not teaching this, I'm just saying that I think a lot of people intuited what reality was. 

What is the Garden of Eden? It's just where we are now, but we messed it up with selfishness and harm and then the Garden, which is nature, turned on us. Everything can turn around to bliss, happiness and peace. But until we do that, we're going to keep feeling pain from the world outside and within ourselves. In some way, we're going to keep being subject to death and hardship as we participate in this reactive world of harms. This search in the world for ourselves, in material things places. The search in the world creates more places to search until we look within, the search in the world for our soul outside of ourselves creates more places to search until we look within. 

Our dream is within us as who we are. Oh, that's so simple. I remember in Siddhiyoga, guru Mai I'm not anything, I'm just universal, but I have some friends that were, and I joined them in some wonderful activities that were filled our souls. Our dream is within us as who we are. Guru Mai, the head of Siddhiyoga at that time, said God is within us as who we are, and I'm thinking. When I first heard that, I went ah, that's right. And I, just, with that one little quote, I held that as a developmental tool on and on and on. God is within you as who you are. Our dream is within us as who we are. Everything is within us. Microcosm, I would suggest, is yourself and macrocosm is the everyone's self that is in the world and also in us. Doesn't make much sense if you haven't experienced it, but if you get that it's true for you. 

Just keep listening to these podcasts and go to our website. We'll teach you how to continue or begin this journey into your beautiful, eternal soul. Our dream is within us as who we are. Our satisfaction and peace is in our core, in our core self, this pleasure, this ease, this gentle, infinite satisfaction. I suggest to you it's something that you'll discover as you work the secret to immortality or any other program of personal or spiritual development. It's just in this program, the secret to immortality, we teach a type of qigong for immortality, and it's not so much the technique, the techniques of qigong are powerful. Qigong, an ancient Chinese meditative tool. It's not that the techniques are so powerful, it's your approach and your mindset as you practice. And it's where did you learn this and who did you learn these techniques from? And where did that person learn these techniques? 

I have a lineage and the first lineage I have is a biological one that I owe to my physical mother, my physical father that gave me a lot, and my grandparents and their grandparents. I have a lineage, like it or not, and in this work secret to immortality work I've had to face my lineage and process a lot of it and let go the stresses and difficulties and hardships that I've inherited genetically and epigenetically and I suggest there are further ways to inherit things. So with the secret to immortality, we kind of undo and let go of these knots in ourselves, in our biological lineage, in our family lineage, in our lineage of becoming a being Right now, this place in a body, you and I as we are, we let go of that and work through it in a gentle, peaceful manner so we can feel better, so we can be more in the here and now and not drawn into discomfort by hardships. In our lineage and as we practice the Qi Gong for immortality, we practice this exercise, these exercises and this approach that is practiced by literal immortals going back and back and back in the mountains of China. Now, believe it or don't believe it. For me this has been my track and in no way do I ever try to convince someone or lead someone into anything. It's just that if this work makes sense to you and you go, oh yeah, well, that's the story of it, where it came from. 

Qi Gong, the type of Qi Gong that we teach, has a lineage, a very quick and immediate lineage that goes into caves in the Mount Wudang Mountains. It's not like a school that we're advertising and there aren't little secrets. The secret, more than anything, is your intent as you live through the day, your intent as you think, as you speak, as you physically act, as you walk down the street. Do you have an intent of joy, happiness and freedom, spiritual freedom. Do you have a sense of eternal life being the daily moment, every moment for you? That's what the secret to immortality brings us all is an awakening to our true and real selves. 

More control, more power over our lives by ironically giving up egoistic, fear-based power, people, you know it's so tempting to think if we had more money, more money, if we had more, say, if I control the government, everything did things my way, then I'd be more satisfied and perhaps everybody would benefit. I suggest creating this world with that type of egoistic will just eventually destroys everything. Nothing good ever comes out of it. It's letting go of that type of will and finding a greater consciousness within ourselves. That is who we are. That is creating everything together. To the extent that we pursue ourselves and grow, we will be happy or not happy. If you don't do that, to the extent that we pursue ourselves and grow, we will be happy or not. 

Is life that simple? It's that simple, but we all have all these habits, these strong habits, television, advertising. We have this world that draws us out of ourselves all the time. That's why it's good to get into nature. We can live in nature, walk through nature, and nature doesn't naturally draw us out of ourselves so much Nature pulls us into itself, into ourself. At the same time, research shows that even large prints of nature on the wall or on your screen of the computer just looking at pictures of nature will help us relax and get some peace. So listen to this podcast again, to this episode, and dream of a better world, dream of a better self, meditate, pray, whatever that is for you. Look at our website, do more and more each day, or at least do something valuable each day, over and out. That's today's episode. Bless you and keep you. You are immortal now.