Meditation -- Activate Your God Body

John F. Harrigan

Activate Your God Body

What if you could transcend the limitations of your physicality and connect with an eternal presence within you? Sounds intriguing, doesn't it? 

Welcome to our podcast episode today -- a soothing journey towards eternal physicality through mindfulness and meditation.

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Liberate Your Mind

In this episode, we delve deep, teaching you how to liberate your mind from ego and fear-based realities. We guide you towards visualizing your being as a sturdy tree rooted into the ground, radiating with the immortal quality of existence.

Let Go of Harmful Beliefs

Ever wonder about awakening into a blissful state of being? We're here to navigate you through this journey. Step away from preconceived beliefs and fears that have been passed down generations, and take control of your life.

Empower the Benevolent You

Unleash the benevolent, loving and compassionate being that you truly are. Harness the power of daily meditation and exercise to reach the core of your being, uncovering the bliss, peace and happiness that await within.

Your Higher Power Consciousness

Join us as we discover how to live fully, embracing our higher power consciousness and mindfully channeling it through every cell of our being. Tune in, and let's voyage into the realm of the extraordinary.

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You are immortal now!

Hello, this is John Harrigan with the Secret Immortality Podcast. Today we're going to do the meditation, "Body of God. With the Secret Immortality, we become aware of how we're creating ourselves in this world. We make the decision to live fully into life and not toward death. With this in mind, the meditation today will take us into the manifestation of our eternal physicality, focusing on our higher power consciousness and deliberately awakening this in our body, mindfully running our higher power consciousness through every cell of our physicality. 

Let's begin Relax, get comfortable, close your eyes, hands on your thighs near your knees, Relax. The first and most important thing is to relax With your eyes closed, just gently observe your breath. Don't try to control your breath, just observe it Breathing in and breathing out. Your body knows the perfect breath. Your body knows the eternal methodology of breathing. Breathing, I suggest to you that's your body's natural way to breathe and we find that by not looking for it and just allowing it to happen, by gently, calmly, easily observing our breath, breathing in, breathing out at your own pace, and don't even try to control the pace. Don't try to breathe deeply, don't try to breathe at all. Just observe how your body wants to breathe, observe how your body controls your breath and don't make any judgments about your breath and what you're observing. Just stop controlling things, and especially your breathing. That's what we start with. We take our mind out of our reality, the egotistical, fear-based, controlling feature of our persona, a survival, a survival part of ourselves, but we kind of let that go by. Just observing it a bit While I'm talking here, just observe your breath gently, quietly and easily. And if you're doing this by yourself, just observe your breath for a few minutes, maybe three minutes. It can be more if you want to. 

None of these exercises, none of these meditations are written in stone. You'll find your own way of doing them after a while. You may want to begin by listening to these meditations, to these deep exercises of eternal being. You may want to listen to them to get the hang of it, but then let your body, let your soul express, describe and do the exercise as it's best for you. Let's begin even more deeply at another stage. 

So your eyes have been shut and open them if you need to now and then just to. If you wanna see what's in your room, open your eyes. It's a natural impulse and you can do that. But now close them with your eyes closed. This is a bit of Qigong, or all of this is Qigong, the Qigong that I teach. Eyes closed, imagine you can see through your eyelids shut eyelids to the tip of your nose, eyes to nose, the tip of your nose, and from the tip of your nose, imagine there's a ruby red arc coming out about three to four inches and curving back into your heart, with eyes shut, eyes to nose, nose to heart, and a ruby red arc. Eyes shut, eyes to nose, nose to heart, and a ruby red arc Relaxed and observing our breath a little bit. 

Eyes to nose, nose to heart, and a ruby red arc, gently relaxed, breathing. More and more relaxed in every cell of your body, every muscle, from head to toe complete relaxation In your legs, in your feet, in your head, in your cheeks, your arms relaxed. Every muscle of your being is conscious, aware and relaxed. More and more deeply, more and more deeply. With relaxation we can go to our eternal core, our eternal physical core. We don't get into much metaphysics with the secret to immortality work. It's all here and now. More deeply here, more deeply now than you've ever been before, because that's where you are. You're not yesterday, that's a thought, yesterday is a thought as you sit with me now. Tomorrow is a thought. The only reality is that you are here now, listening to me and doing this exercise. I suggest all of you is here with me, with yourself. All of you is here as we do this exercise Eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red arc. 

Eyes to nose, nose to heart, with the ruby red arc. Let your attention fall down your body. Your seated, your feet are flat on the ground, and visualize yourself rooted into the earth, like the roots of a tree, maybe 10 to 12 feet. You're rooted deeply into the earth, grounded, eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red arc. Eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red arc, feet to ground. We're relaxed. We're breathing inward toward our immortal core, our immortal, eternal identity of peace, of calm, of joy and love, compassion for ourselves, for others in this world. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground, relaxed in all our body, with the secret immortality. 

We become more and more aware of ourselves, aware of our bodies, not running away, not dissociating, but we're consciously going more and more into our bodies. One thing we know is our bodies are ourselves. This is who we are in the here and now. Don't think about yesterday, don't think about tomorrow, don't expand your mind into heavenly regions that aren't here. Give your imagination a rest and just focus more and more into the present moment, more and more into the present moment, the deep, eternal you, physically here, and every cell of your being, every muscle, every hair, the physical you, all of you that's here, an eternal presence of physicality. All we know in this moment is that we're here physically. Don't try to be more than that, don't try to be less than that. 

In fact, as we're doing this exercise, this meditation, we get into the deep, eternal presence of the now of our being. Here we let the physical, immortal quality of our being, of our self, express. We are very much our bodies. We are very much where we are on earth the city, the place, the woods, the nature, the park, wherever you live, wherever you are, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground, eyes to nose, nose to heart. In a ruby red arc, we are gently, calmly observing the eternal physical nature of our being, the wellness of who we are, the strength of who we are, the absolute and delightful presence of our physical selves and being in this specific moment, eyes to nose, nose to heart, in a ruby red arc. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, in a ruby red arc, observing our breathing, rejoicing in a subtle way, rejoicing in a subtle way at your physicality. 

It doesn't matter if you're well or not. If you're sick, with a diagnosis or an injury, that's just fine. And I suggest you're in the best place at this moment. You can be, rejoice in your physicality, don't run from it, no matter how difficult, how uncomfortable you may be. Be happy, at peace, be smiling at the physicality of your being. We are loving who we are, with our physical heart. 

We are awake in the world, blissful and at peace, as a body, as a being that is a body, a being that is a body. That's all we really know this moment. We are here as a being, as a body, not as a being in a body, in a temporary trip. Blah, blah, blah, adding thoughts, conditions and fantasy to the present moment. All we know is here, we are right now, and that's our point of power, our point of peace, our point of personal expression. 

With the secret to immortality, we stop buying in to the death direction of humanity, we stop believing in humanity's rush to hurt itself and to harm. We instead look at the eternal bliss of our soul, alive physically, as who we are head to toe in love with, who we are, with the world right now, where we have the opportunity to change everything about ourselves, our lives and the physics of the world in which we live, suggesting to you that we create the physics of reality. It's not some distant, unseen deity. Everything is right here, everything is right here and we're creating it, we're in it. Creating it Are thoughts, creating this reality, are thoughts and feelings, are ideas creating our physical presence, creating the direction of our life. And the reality is most of us. The direction is silently or loudly moving toward death and with the secret to immortality. 

We become aware of that a little bit and we don't agree with that. We agree with eternal life on earth, with heaven on earth, and we look to that eternal life physically on earth, to that heaven on earth. We look to that as the reality and we look to ourselves as the creators of that presence of heaven on earth. Not that I'm creating heaven on earth as this egotistical crater with his erector-setting Lincoln laws. I'm allowing heaven to happen by getting out of the way, with my egoistic fears and with my ideas of yesterday and tomorrow and what I think I should have, who I think I am, what I have to be, what is fair, what belongs to me. I let go of all of that and find a greater me within myself, a greater power at play in the world. That is overwhelming bliss, overwhelming happiness, overwhelming peace that we actually share with everyone If they could pause and feel it. That we share with every creative feature of this physical reality and we stop trying to leave it. We stop planning our death, we stop thinking about heaven or hell and we just allow ourselves to be in this nirvana here and now. Here and now, without death, without judgment, peace and beauty. Here and now, in this present physical place, as you and me. 

Eternal life in every cell of my body, suggesting that your body is eternal, is immortal. It's wanting to be. That. It's the inner nature of who we are. No one wants to die. Who is healthy and well, who has life to live. No growing child expects this to be a world of predation and harm. No growing child expects that they should die and no adult should expect or plan on that either. But our plans and the ideas from other people that we accept consciously or unconsciously, beginning, of course, in our own home, in the early years of our lives, as we progress into adolescence, teenage, teenagehood and adult. 

Please look at your beliefs that you've been given. How are they working for you, how are they helping you? How are they serving to your awakening into bliss, into peace, into eternal physical presence, here and now? What ideas are you buying into that you don't need to? What are you accepting? This telling you that you're limited and have to live with the suffering and pain that is before you? You don't have to live with that. 

There is healing, there's recovery and this bliss, this light, this happiness of our souls, physically alive as who we are, here and now, there is bliss, there is peace, there is love, compassion none of these words fully express it. As you start to experience this higher power being that you are, as you start to experience your higher power, self living with the world in agreement, as you experience that beautiful, wondrous you there really aren't any words to describe it, not even beautiful or wondrous. There is this absolute, magnificent perfection of who we are. That is our basic, fundamental experience of personhood, if we can let go of all these thoughts, beliefs through the millennia, passed down from generation after generation after generation and our family lineage, letting go of all the harm, misunderstanding, confusing thoughts and beliefs. We don't need that taking away from our life. We can simply allow ourselves to be who we really are. 

Everyone wants to be happy, everyone wants to be free of pain and everyone wants their needs met. And I suggest to you that's what we're beginning to do here and now. In this exercise and this meditation. We're finding the peace of our soul and we're being mindful about not going in the direction of death, not letting someone else's beliefs take us there, and becoming really, in a gentle way, much more responsible for our lives that we're creating. Not blaming others for our situation and our suffering, as difficult as it may be, but taking charge to change the hardship in our lives into a benevolent reality. 

And I suggest to you the here and now has that benevolence, that love, compassion. The here and now has everything you've ever wanted, could want and have. It's here now. And this exercise, this meditation and all the meditations here at this podcast are designed to take you to your here and now, to your core self and being, to the bliss, the peace and happiness. Of that, Slowly, quickly, however, it happens for you, practice is required on a daily basis, habits of doing these meditations, of treating yourself with kindness, care, love and benevolence. It's all here for you, as who you are in the here and now. The immortal now is here for you.