Unlocking Immortality: The Power of Mindfulness (Part 1)

John F. Harrigan

Discover how mindfulness can give you peace, strength and eternal physical life.

Join me now in this powerful episode; I'm John Harrigan, Qi Gong Master, bringing you the Secret to Immortality.

The Secret to Immortality, at, is a three step process:

  1. Mindfulness for Immortality 
  2. Qi Gong for Lasting Life
  3. Immortality Coaching

This podcast will focus on Step One of the Secret to Immortality, Mindfulness or Immortality.

Here is the companion article for this episode. For greater effect and better understanding, read the article first; then listen to this podcast.

What Can Mindfulness Be?

Mindfulness for immortality brings awareness of our immortal core, our eternal nature.

With the Secret to Immortality, we add something powerful and profound to the popular understanding of mindfulness. What we add is being conscious of our immortal physicality, and the powerful effect this has on our lives.

See Yourself as an Eternal Being

When we start seeing ourselves as eternal beings, when we stop planning to die -- we can live as we are: whole, complete and well.

Turn Towards Lasting Life

When we turn instead towards lasting life, we come alive in a special way: alive with love and joy; with stability, strength and calm.

Mindfulness for immortality, again, is the first part of the Secret to Immortality. We have, 1. mindfulness for immortality,  2. Qigong for lasting life and 3. immortality coaching.

Awareness of Your Eternal Core

With the secret to immortality, we add something powerful and profound to the popular understanding of mindfulness.

"Mindfulness for immortality brings awareness of our eternal core."

You may hear a lot about mindfulness: there are mindfulness associations, organizations, university courses and certifications, all in mindfulness. Yet mindfulness is simple: awareness of self in the moment, fully present and calm.

Feeding Our Lives into Death

Bliss will naturally arise in any practice of mindfulness, over time -- but for mindfulness to have its full effect, we have to edit out the unconscious feed we have into death, the buy-in to death as the "natural end" of life.

We have to consciously make the choice to reprogram our mindset to eternal 

How to Live the Secret to Immortality

  1. We show you exactly what to do at:
  2. See our Intro to Immortality course with all you need to begin this path: The Intro Course
  3. Try a monthly membership in our Immortality Lab (iLAB): Get Weekly Qi Gong Classes, Private Talks, Tips and Suggestions: iLAB Membership

Try Our Books on Immortality and Higher Power Love

Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth
Lessons in Love

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Choose and Act Your Way to Grace

Have the best day of your life.

You are immortal now!

02:14  Mindfulness in the here and now.
04:38  Mindfulness for immortality facilitates progressing awareness.
06:52  Buying into the inevitability of death.
13:22  What if everyone in the world had goodwill? 
14:52  Our calm and steady core of immortality
19:01  Many Lifetimes: every combination of human existence
21:18  Learning the secret to immortality.
22:40  The Secret to Immortality Builds Us Up.
23:57  The power of positive thinking.

0:02  Introduction of the podcast.

Hello, this is John Harrigan with the secret to immortality podcast. The secret to immortality as we teach it at immortal is a three step process that includes one mindfulness for immortality to Qigong for lasting life, and three immortality Coaching. Today this podcast will focus on mindfulness or immortality, you can discover how mindfulness can give you peace, strength, and eternal physical life. What can mindfulness be mindfulness for immortality brings awareness of our malt of our immortal core of our immortal nature. With the secret to immortality, we add something powerful and profound to the popular understanding of mindfulness. What we add is being conscious of our immortal physicality, and the powerful effect this has on our lives. When we start seeing ourselves as mortal beings, immortal creatures, when we stop planning to die stopped accepting death consciously or unconsciously, as an as an inevitable fact of life. When we turn instead towards lasting life, unending life, our immortal core, we come alive in a special way, come alive with love and infinite love, with stability, strength and calm mindfulness for immortality, again, that's the first part of the secret to immortality, mindfulness for immortality to Qigong for lasting life in three, immortality coaching. Mindfulness for immortality, brings awareness of our immortal core. With the secret to immortality, we add something powerful and profound. To the popular understanding of mindfulness, you hear a lot about mindfulness, there are associations, organizations, universities, colleges, with courses and certifications. 

2:14  Mindfulness in the here and now.
And, you know, maybe they're overdoing it a little bit, or maybe not, maybe it's good. All of them are teaching people to how to become aware in the present, focused in the here and now. Because in the here and now is where we can access and understand our eternal nature. Now, this is not what's taught in mindfulness around the country in the world. It shouldn't be. And it's what I'm teaching you today I'm teaching you about in talking about in the podcast mindfulness, but more specifically, what does that mean mindfulness when he practice that, in the context of the secret to immortality teachings, at immortal What it means is, we're focusing on the here and now we're getting it relaxed, calm and strong. We're letting the pleasurable nature of our core emerge. But we're not buying in to death, you know, no one in their right mind wants to die, especially if they're feeling happy at peace, and involved in a loving creation. Death is obviously wrong to everyone, no child, no child born never expects the world to be this terrible place where there's death, injury, harm, and where they can be mistreated. Nobody ever needs to be mistreated. This should be obvious to everyone, and I'm sure it is. Nobody should ever be mistreated. And just because some other people are doesn't mean we have to join in. No one should be acting without kindness, without nurturing intent and care to everyone. When someone's difficult when someone wants to fight when someone's really nasty and wrong. Do you really need to interact with them? Is it necessary? Do you have to be there? Do you have to cross them, poke them? If it's a family member that you live with? Maybe retreat to somewhere safe in the house, in the apartment? Maybe take a walk and slowly plan how you can put yourself in a safer situation. 

4:38 Mindfulness for immortality facilitates progressing awareness. 

Mindfulness for immortality facilitates a progressing awareness of our sense of our calm and steady core of immortality. We sit down we get calm. We do a little Chi Gong, eyes to nose, nose, a heart and a ruby red arc. We sit down we observe our breathing and don't control it. We feel ourselves routed to the earth deeply. Eyes to nose, nose to heart and ruby red arc. That is all you have to do, just to just sit down peaceably, and do take a few minutes, you don't even have to do Qigong. but be mindful that within you, there's something good, there's something grand, something pleasurable and unkind. I would suggest to you that within us all is kindness at our core, our core self, the real person that you are, I suggest, there's kindness there. There's beauty and grace. And when we, when we're treated without kindness, or when we're acting without kindness to another, we're kind of turning our back on ourselves. We're sort of clenching our guts, and stopping the force of life and good, as it naturally wants to flow through us. Mindfulness for immortality facilitates a progressing awareness of our calm and steady core of immortality. This practice helps us embody compassion, contentment, and peace within ourselves and with the outer world. As we work towards mindfulness for immortality, not just mindfulness, but mindfulness with the understanding that at our core, we're timeless. At our core, we're timeless, you can't really, truly grow spiritually develop, do personal, personal development work, excuse the popping of my microphone, you can't really experience your full potential.

6:52 Buying into the inevitability of death.
 If you're consciously or unconsciously buying into death as a natural outcome of life. It's nothing natural about it. If you've helped a loved one, die if you've had any experience with people suffering horribly, and wrong, and going to a fate of death or not just suffering continually. And onward, year after year, if you have experienced with that in your life, there's nothing right about it. Everything inside you tells you instinctively it's wrong. When a loved one dies, especially when a young loved one dies, everything inside you rebels against the death, everything inside you tells you this is wrong. This is horrible, this is unjust. And it absolutely is all of those things. And that's why you have those feelings. Those are feelings of truth. We're not supposed to die, who would want to die if they were living a life of kindness, love and peace, who would want to die if they were learning and growing in life with life on Earth? Of course, no one. And with the with the secret to immortality, we're teaching that we're not intended to die, we just buy into death is something we can't change. We're either it's just the law of nature, the circle of life, according to Disney, or it's just an unchangeable fact that maybe a sociopathic deity has forced upon us. Certainly no compassionate deity and no compassionate human being would design a world where people suffered horribly died and everything in between. So it doesn't make sense to think that someone outside of us is doing that though. That's tempting. It's always tempting to blame something else for our problems, someone else, because we always certainly can. But the only one who has power and this is your gift, our gift. The only one who has power to truly change your situation, is you to change the trajectory trajectory of your life to change how you feel, what you're thinking, and eventually, even your physical circumstances. We're in control of our lives. We are the creative masters that determine how the world treats us and how we respond to it. The only reason I suggest that we have this horrible world really, for so many of us war of suffering of calamity of natural catastrophes of disease. I suggest that over time, we've created this by feeding in to the natural world. hardship, harm and killing when we kill something in our body dies and continues to die. When a lot of people kill and harm as a way of life when every life form is running down and hunting and other life form, to kill and eat in order to survive, what could be more wrong, more flawed or more completely 180 degrees the way it shouldn't be. Just imagine for a minute that you're you're designing this universe, but any just simple human being designed such horror. And I'm saying to you will know not not as rules for life to live by. But when we're harming each other, harming ourselves when we're killing our own species and other species and other animals to to continue to eat and survive. I suggest you all that is feeding into really a horrible reality of death and hardship. When we're doing all these terrible things. 

11:07 We're programming the natural world.
I suggest that we're programming the natural world and how to behave. We're telling our bodies how to behave over eons, we're telling nature, we're writing the computer code that tells nature how to behave, suggesting that again and again and again as the basis of the secret to immortality that we are in this probably sounds like a lot of religions. And I think religions are probably based on spiritual masters not just Christianity, and Christ talking about everlasting life, but In Taoist teachings and the mountains of Taoism and certain Judaic, Judaic teachings, Kabbalah. They talk about how we create this terrible world, how we've made it and how we can undo it, just like we made it, we can undo the difficulties, the difficulties of reality, by simply reacting with compassion and kindness to our best of ability, progress, not perfection, but just living by a principle of compassion and kindness wherever we can, as enough people start to do that certainly doesn't have to be everybody in the world. But maybe 10%, as enough of a start to do that as a as a serious daily practice, the natural world starts to change, or bodies start to change. And eventually, it can happen like a nuclear explosion, where it just moves virally. Throughout reality throughout the physical world. All we have to do is change ourselves a little bit every day, to change the creation, again, I suggest you think of and our teaching, based basically, on what everyone else teaches and what everyone comes to now that we create ourselves and our lives, and we can create something good, something kind, you know, you don't have to be a genius to know that life as it is, shouldn't be this tough. 

13:22 What if everyone in the world had goodwill? 

We should all be helping each other. What if everybody in the world helped each other? What if everybody in the world had goodwill, I'm just suggesting it only needs to be about 10 or 15%, then that good with goodwill travels the world over and over and over, like a virus constantly repeating. Not a virus that makes you sick. Goodwill, compassion and love can move in a viral manner. I'm talking about like, on the internet one, a video like on Instagram goes viral.The the goodwill the ideas of the secret to immortality can move in a viral manner and reality and ourselves can change rather quickly. almost over night when think of dominoes lined up and you get this cascading effect. Well, everyone in the world is lined up and every one in the world can be influenced. Unfortunately, a lot of the world is being influenced in a harmful way, we can start a viral response across the Internet across the world, word of mouth, written words and books on the internet. podcasts like this one, we can start a viral effect by changing how we affect ourselves and how we affect other people. 

14:52  Our calm and steady core of immortality

Mindfulness for immortality facilitates a progressing awareness of our calm and steady core of immortality. At this core, when you find it, everyone who finds it, it's always the same. When you start to experience your core, it's just this beautiful infinite love, where you're connected to a greater power, that may be God for you, you may call it a higher power or something else. It doesn't matter what you call it in, you don't need to call it anything, you'll just benefit greatly by experiencing the beauty of your soul, and how your soul is part of a world that works together in goodness. But it's hard to see that it's hard to participate in this worldly goodness, if we're suffering, if we're confused if we're alienated and alone. So at the very least, start listening to these podcasts, go to the immortal website, and get involved with what's written there. Start listening to other podcasts. We have a course an introductory course you can take and that secret to immortality. And we have a monthly membership called AI Lab, or immortality lab. But I've made it I've shortened it to AI lab just to kind of fit in with the times. The problem the problem with the popular term of mindfulness is that it doesn't include in mortality, you know, you can sit down and really, diligently practice mindfulness in a disciplined manner and really make progress spiritually, with awareness. But if you're still if part of your being is sort of like tied up and tied in to the idea of death as an eventuality, I don't think you're really getting the full experience of mindfulness. When we practice mindfulness for immortality, we practice awareness of our M mortal self of our timeless self, that timeless self has no kinks in it. That timeless self has no twists in it. It is completely open, compassionate, calm, and unending. When you have even unconsciously the idea of death. Death is natural. You know, how do you prepare for death? I can't think of a more screwed up thing ever to do for yourself or with yourself. I must know Prepare to die. Yeah, I don't recommend that. I prepare. I suggest that you prepare prepare to experience your eternal soul as your physical body on earth, not the physical body. It's something to jettison and go on to another dimension. How about everything's right here. And now? In one dimension in no dimensions? How about heavens on Earth, this isn't nirvana. But we've messed it up a little. And when things get really too bad, we die. And then perhaps we recycle until we go on and on and on. Getting to the point perhaps, where we're willing to do this right to to challenge the wrongs of life, and to set them in motion in a better manner. When I was about six or seven, I was sitting down in our house on the bottom stairs of the staircase and looking into mirror and I just naturally thought about my life, who I was and where I was going. And I could see about maybe 1500 1600 past lifetimes. And I experienced them all at once as though they were still living and you know, it sounds crazy. Makes no sense. And there's no way you can understand it with, you know, our mortal brain until you learn how to use your brain in an infinite way. 

19:01  Many Lifetimes: every combination and permutation of human existence

So I'm seeing all these lifetimes and I'm thinking, wow, you know, I've lived in died. I've lived so many lifetimes, high and low, left and right. Almost every combination and permutation of human existence. But in every lifetime, I missed the essential goods that we can get in a life I'd missed. What was really, really important. How can you live that many lifetimes and miss something? I don't know. Maybe I needed to live all these lifetimes to arrive at this lifetime. And at that young age, I just felt I'm here in this lifetime. To learn the secret to to life to get this lifetime right to become everything a human can be and more to know all we can know and to be everything we can be and more and some good things and some very difficult things. happened to me along the way. And it led to this present moment where I'm in my 60s and teaching you the secret to immortality. I found the secret to life, everybody knows it, we're creating our day, a smile, gets a smile and response, a frown gets a frown and response. It's that simple. an immortal soul, soul and compassionate and good on Earth, gets that infinite, infinite, timeless love returned to us as we act it out in life. So the popular term mindfulness, I think it's probably wonderful that it's become so popular. And people have all their different associations, organizations, schools and certifications, kind of like yoga. But hey, yoga wouldn't be here for everybody. The best of yoga wouldn't be here for everybody. If it weren't for the commercialization of yoga, yoga studios and yoga mats. And, you know, of course, every instructor in yoga isn't great. And getting certified doesn't mean you're an expert, or you're even good willed, but it's a step on the way. And we all have the choice if you're doing yoga to make it something good for yourself.

21:18 Learning the secret to immortality.
 In my younger years, I led a red LED, I don't know I read a lot of books by Yogi masters, my mom would read one and share it with me and we talk about it. My mother was really my first mentor along with my father. And my mother read a lot of metaphysics, metaphysical books, she was a student of A Course in Miracles, I was not it didn't appeal to me. But it was the best thing in the world for her. And we went to an Episcopal Church, probably unity literature, Unity teachings are what was prominent, what were prominent in my household and what kind of made the most sense to all of us as we went to a wonderful Episcopal Church every Sunday, my point to all of this is find something and start going in a positive direction, by going in a positive direction, that step by step movement, every day, every week, every month of the year, it will take you in the direction where you want to go. The only thing you have to do is stick with it. You know, all of us can stick with negative thoughts. For a long time for a week for a month for a year, we can stick with negative thoughts for entire lifetime. 

22:40  Yoga isn’t for everyone.

And we don't get much because we're creating our lives. And when you're when you're acting on negative thoughts when you're having negative thoughts when you're seeking out companionship, where you can share this negative temperament. What is negativity, it's just tearing down instead, instead of building up with the secret to immortality. You build up to a certain extent, but then a lot of this happens freely of its own accord, by the nature of our own soul, our own being, of kindness, of goodness, of calm of infinite love. Infinite Love, infinite love our soul, our core, our timeless self, we live in heaven now. I strongly suggest it's always been having. But we're caught in what we've created out of heaven. But beneath this life that seems harsh, wrong and difficult, I suggest is truly an infinite consciousness or place of infinite love unending compassion and goodness. That's what I experience. That's what I discovered. And that's what we're teaching at the secret to immortality. 

23:57  The power of positive thinking.

We've covered a lot for today, something to think about. Eyes to nose, nose, the heart and the ruby red arc feet to ground go through some of our meditative meditative topics. On our podcast, go to our podcast, and look through the podcasts subjects of each week and find some that are meditations where you can learn the simple meditation, chi gong, eyes, the nose, nose, the heart and the ruby red arc, feet to ground you're doing this with your eyes closed, you're observing your breath, relaxing, every millisecond deeper and deeper into the beautiful you at your core at your soul. We've been referring today to the article, the blog article called mindfulness for immortality, if you want to see that, we're going to make a lot more podcast episodes from this article mindfulness for immortal already, you can find this blog article on our website immortal Go up to the menu and click on blog. And then when you get to the blog, click on any episode that you'll see there. And in the right hand in a thin right hand and narrow right hand column, you'll see right away a list of essential and important articles to read. It says essential articles. And if you go down three articles, you'll see the power of what's wrong. Forgive me. If you go down 1234 articles you'll see mindfulness for immortality. We highly recommend all these essential articles and every article some of the articles we have a podcast episode, but on the website, you can find our podcast webpage where we only have the podcast episodes, but at mortal Everything's there, just go there and explore less you and keep you this is the end of our session. You are immortal now