You Are Immortal Now!

John F. Harrigan

Activate Your Immortal Core of Happiness, Bliss and Love!

Take a Journey

Today, if you wish, to take a journey with me to the Immortal Now. It's here, this immortal now, right here where you are with me now ... more present than any thought in your head, than any event in your life that you're planning to live, or have ever live in your past. This now, right here, is where we have all our power; where we all have our consciousness and being.

Just Imagine

Imagine there is no future or past. Imagine that you have no memory, no expectations for the future ... that there is only right now, an eternal moment; the present now where all of who we are exists; where everyone on Earth is present in this eternal moment.

No Suffering, Pain or Death

We live in the immortal now; where there is no suffering, death or confusion beyond what we create for ourselves ... the immortal now, where naturally there is clarity and bliss, pure consciousness and love. Yet, we trip ourselves up with how we react to life, how we go blind and create within this immortal presence. We go to greed and possessiveness; to harm, anger and fear. We prey upon each other; hunting down and killing the lively elements of our ecosystem.

Your Soul, the Source of Life

Everything we do, when we don't understand that our soul is the source of life; when everything we do is to grab something outside of ourselves, that we think we need to survive; we interrupt the process of eternal existence; we kind of strangle it off. Then of course, things die, and the creation isn't so grand.

No Real Name for It

Our source, our souls are the source of all life and consciousness. Our true design is to give of our soul; to live our soul and bliss into the world; as we're connecting with bliss, happiness, every good thought, and every good feeling that really does exist in this immortal consciousness. If you're religious, I would call this God Consciousness. If you're an atheist, it's immortal consciousness. There is no real name for it. It's inherent in all of us. It's our core, our soul, whatever you want to call it; of perfect love, perfect grace.

Live from Your Soul

With the Secret to Immortality that we teach at, we live from our soul, the source of life. And those two things are really important:

1. Our soul is the Source of life
2. We live from this Source

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Have the best day of your life.

You are immortal now!

Hello, this is John Harrigan with the Secret to Immortality Podcast. Today, if you wish, to take a journey with me to the "Immortal Now." It's here, this immortal now, right here where you are with me now ... more present than any thought in your head, than any event in your life that you're planning to live, or have ever live in your past. This now, right here, is where we have all our power; where we all have our consciousness and being. 

Imagine there is no future or past. Imagine that you have no memory, no expectations for the future ... that there is only right now, an eternal moment; the present now where all of who we are exists; where everyone on Earth is present in this eternal moment. 

We live in the immortal now; where there is no suffering, death or confusion beyond what we create for ourselves ... the immortal now, where naturally there is clarity and bliss, pure consciousness and love. Yet, we trip ourselves up with how we react to life, how we go blind and create within this immortal presence. We go to greed and possessivenes; to harm, anger and fear. We prey upon each other; hunting down and killing the lively elements of our ecosystem.

Everything we do, when we don't understand that our soul is the source of life; when everything we do is to grab something outside of ourselves, that we think we need to survive; we interrupt the process of eternal existence; we kind of strangle it off. Then of course, things die, and the creation isn't so grand. 

Our source, our souls; the source we suggest of all life and consciousness ... our true design is to give of our soul, to live our soul and bliss into the world; as we're connecting with bliss, happiness, every good thought, and every good feeling that really does exist in this immortal consciousness. If you're religious, I would call this God Consciousness. If you're an atheist, it's immortal consciousnessd. There is no name for it. It's inherent in all of us. It's our core, our soul, whatever you want to call it; of perfect love, perfect grace.

With the Secret to Immortality that we teach at, we live from our soul, the source of life. And those two things (1. Our soul is the Source of life, 2. We live from this Source) are really important. If you get nothing more from this podcast episode -- understand for eternal life: for grace, happiness and compassion to be present on Earth; it's imperative and necessary that you live from your authentic, deep and powerful Self ... the soul, the source of all life, 

When we're focused on giving and contributing to the world, from our source, we feel good and the world benefits from our presence as we benefit from the world. There's a give and take of love, sort of a fully connected circuit, where our needs are constantly filled, as we're fulfilling the needs of creation, as we're here making the world what it is. 

Yet, you know, on the difficult side of things, we can take the beautiful substance of immortality, this beautiful God consciousness and turn it some turn it into something that acts very badly, we can turn the force of life into a force of death, as we sort of now have or we're all consciously or unconsciously moving towards death. With the secret to immortality, we consciously choose to move towards eternal life on earth not planning to die, consciously or unconsciously, not in the back of our head expecting death to be a natural end of life. There's kind of this Disney esque idea where the cycle of life is presented as a beautiful thing and it's it's not a beautiful, beautiful thing. It's a horrible thing that that only exist because of how we have mistreated life itself. of how we've created death. When you get into the Hindu traditions, they talk about reincarnation and kind of like the compulsion towards death and rebirth. And whether you believe in that or not, we're stuck in something that is pulling us towards death. And I suggest to you, that thing that is pulling us towards death, that force, that consciousness is our very own consciousness, and nothing else, that the horror of death, the horror of people, killing people of, of animals, killing animals, of every tragic thing that can happen of pain. The horror of that I suggest is simply what we have done. As creative beings, what we have done with this eternal bliss, this grace, this happiness, we haven't caused an end to eternal bliss, we haven't changed the nature of compassion and love at our core, we simply have rearranged the outward expression of it into a truly horrible creation. Now, if you think the world as it is, and everything that's going on is simply wonderful, and you embrace the cycle of life, and every horrible thing that that can do to you and your family, and innocent people and animals around the world have at it, that's yours to suffer and keep suffering until you've had enough. If you've had enough, it's time it's time to change your mind, change your thoughts, your feelings, and what you're doing toward an eternal presence on Earth, a heaven here. And I suggest you even if you look like I mean, United States, so Christianity is very big also in Europe, and their creation stories in the Bible. And I suggest to you that maybe they've got things right in a way you know, as much as they may be an allegory or whatever people naturally through the eons. People that seek a spirituality naturally understand that we're screwing things up. It's pretty obvious. When you have humans killing humans, humans torturing humans, humans, mistreating humans and humans mistreating the ecosystem, all animals, plants and consciousness in that ecosystem, it's pretty obvious that we create are all our troubles, the timeliness of the secret to immortality, is we're really reaping now what we've sown and terrible changes in the environment that aren't healthy and aren't going to help us and more fighting around the world and more confusion and misunderstanding, it's really time to experience your soul and to live that into the world. So we change things. So you experience number one, so you experience the depth of your own happiness, bliss, in love. And so you have that in this world to express and that expression that presents of your consciousness, individually and collectively together as we do that changes reality. So there really hasn't been a better time to, to change things for the better than now. Perhaps you might agree. We take the beautiful substance, the substance of the beautiful now, this eternal consciousness, and we turn it into fear and blame into hostility, harm and death, giving us the world we have now. We can change that all around. It's very uncomplicated. It's completely uncomplicated. Things only get confused and complicated when we're acting in a harmful way. When we're not acting from our soul, when we're in our soul in our core consciousness, acting with that presence in the world. There isn't any confusion. There isn't any complexity. There's just one beautiful, eternal moment, and eternal moment that is progressing and becoming something greater I would suggest, as we all live it with our individuality, but an eternal, beautiful, warm moment where as I experienced that, and as you will too, if you're not now, in that moment, there is no complexity, there is no confusion. There's just the beautiful here and now. Thus, we've named our website, immortal We are you and I the creative

force that tells reality, how to behave, how to form itself, and how to do everything that it does. We write the code of the natural world by what we think, what we feel what we say and how we act. We change reality every millisecond and by what we do. And if we don't do anything different, we just keep getting what we're getting. So let's change things right now, please, here and today, this moment just make a little commitment to feel a little bit more compassion, to relax a little bit more than you are to go into the depths of your soul. That beautiful being have you with me right now as I'm speaking of it, just relax and go into that beautiful calm being of you. And if you like this, if you're getting something if the secret to immortality makes sense, by all means, listen to a blog, listen to a I meant to say listen to a podcast episode every day, we've got tons of them posted. Now go read some important articles on the blog at immortal We've got lots of things for you. When you're ready to go deeper join our AI Lab membership where we have a new Qigong lesson every week and a new talk every week. As we become aware of how we're creating, we can improve the world in ourselves dramatically. So with me right now, in this instant, become more aware of just by letting go of fear letting go of wanting something in your life. And instead, understand that you have something in your life that is infinite and good, and it's you. And as you understand yourself, you are connected to infinity and infinity of goodness, in the world at hand all around you and everywhere. Bliss is reality, happiness is true, and you can have more than you ever discovered possible. We suggest going to immortal Looking over what's there and getting busy again, as a specific suggestion. You may ask what do I do today? I like the idea. I'm feeling better. Let's get going with it. While you're listening to this podcast episode, peruse all the podcast episodes and start listening to one anyone just pick one out randomly. listen to a podcast every day. Take the suggestions that you hear employ them and do them every day. Read an essential blog article at immortal There's a list on every blog page of essential articles. Choose one and divide it up into maybe six or seven sections. And just focus on a little bit of an article, maybe one paragraph a day, maybe one sentence a day and just think about it, read it, study it. Meditate on it. Let your mind fall away all your stresses, and let all of this take you choose the eternal you which is more immediate, more blissful, more happy than anything you could imagine. That's all for today. bless you and keep you you are immortal now.