Live Your Soul into the World | The Secret to Immortality

John F. Harrigan

Today's episode is about the love of your soul, and how to have this love in the world as who you are, in everyday life.

There's a Lot of Love

So there's a lot of talk here about love. And why is that? Well, the reason is our core immortal self, our soul is characterized primarily by love.

When you start to feel the core of yourself, your soul: this is the immortal you, the timeless self that we live into the world.

The Secret to Immortality

With the secret to immortality, we begin to learn how to act from our core of love. To first calm down, meditate with Qi Gong and start to experience our core of compassion, our core of strength in goodness.

Your Eternal Self

If you don't already experience your eternal self, you are going to experience it more and more in the secret to immortality work ... until, joy, happiness and freedom, an overriding love is what you experience as who you are, as the body that we are, as the brains that you are.

This May Sound Impossible

This may sound far fetched and impossible, but it's it's absolutely not. The main thing we're doing with the Secret to Immortality, with the course we offer, with the monthly membership of lectures and Qi gong exercises, and what you're listening to now, our podcasts ... everything we're doing, is to take you more and more, getting you grounded to your core, to your soul ... in your soul, immortal self, the eternal you of bliss, happiness, of freedom, of infinite love.

With Infinite Love, We're Connected

With this infinite love, we're connected to everything there is and beyond. We're connected to each other. We're connected to everything in the world, every living and nonliving thing with this beautiful, infinite, an ending powerful love.

And in this love of who we are ... this love, this eternal love of our core, there is peace; there is relaxation and ease to match and go with your infinite love.

How to Live the Secret to Immortality

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1. Mindfulness for Immortality
2. Qi Gong for Lasting Life
3. Immortality Coaching

On our website, you'll find the guidance you need, the help and mentoring required to begin this path. Discover how to be your best possible self -- happy, alive and at peace.


How to Live the Secret to Immortality

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Have the best day of your life.

You are immortal now!

Today's episode is based on the blog article, "Get the Love You Want." This unique blog article was written in response to the podcast episode before this one, with the exact same name. 

So there's a lot of talk here about love. And why is that? Well, the reason is our core immortal self, our soul is characterized primarily by love. 

When you start to feel that core of yourself, that soul, our ability as we work along in the secret to immortality, our ability to feel this loving core of who we are is essential. Because with the secret to immortality, we begin to learn how to act from that core of love. To first calm down, meditate with Qi gong in our Qi gong exercises and start to experience that core of compassion, that core of strength in goodness, if you don't already experience it, we're going to experience it more and more in the secret to immortality work, until, joy, happiness and freedom. An overriding love is what we experience as who we are, as the bodies that we are as the brains that we are, 

it may sound far fetched and impossible, but it's it's absolutely not. The main thing we're doing with a secret to immortality with the course we offer with the monthly membership of lectures and Qigong exercises, and what you're listening to now our podcasts, 

everything we're doing, is to take you more and more getting you grounded to your core, to your soul, in your soul, immortal self, the eternal you of bliss, happiness, of freedom, of infinite love. 

And with that infinite love, we're connected to everything there is and beyond. We're connected to each other. We're connected to everything in the world, every living and nonliving thing with this beautiful, infinite, an ending powerful love. And in this love of who we are this love, this eternal love of our core, there is peace, there is relaxation, and ease to match and go with that infinite love. 

All of these traits aren't separate. They're all the same thing. But I kind of break them down to tell you what it is who you may find that you are as you do this work. It's a deep peace. It's a deep calm, it's a deep groundedness groundedness. It's a deep, eternal, unending love. All one thing, not those separate things, each one to be considered individually. It's all one thing, but I'm describing it for you as you start to experience it. 

Love, love, love is what we're talking about in today's podcast, our core mortal self, our core immortal self, our eternal being is characterized primarily by this infinite brilliant love. When you experience yourself when you experience the world when you pause to be conscious of who you are. This love is what we have. 

Our ability to feel this loving core to feel ourselves in this way, is essential as we begin to practice the secret to immortality. And it's okay if you don't experience that it's okay if it doesn't happen right away. It well as you keep working along with the secret to immortality, where do you find the secret to immortality? 

You find it in this podcast episode today, you find us you find it in the blog articles on our website, immortal And if you go to this article on the blog that I'll be reading from that's called Get the love you want. And you can find any blog article by going to the search part in the blog, the upper right hand column, just type in get the love you want. And that'll take you to this article. And to the right of every blog article are important articles. They're all important. They're all helpful, but they're articles that we suggest like at the right hand corner Have this blog article and every blog article on our blog. It is right there's a right hand column, it says essential articles to read. Underneath that are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 articles, begins with the power of immortal life that article then the secret to immortality, on and on. And then if you keep scrolling down, there's more important articles and we list what those are. Just want you to know how to do that we have a plethora of source for you at immortal 

Reading from that blog article, it's titled Get the love you want. And why did we say that because everybody wants love. If you think about it, everyone can have love with the secret to immortality can have love once you get to that infinite love, you experience it as a reciprocal thing. You're not really getting it, you're not really giving it, you're part of that love. And when you have that infinite love of your core, and play as who you are, you have love to give in appropriate situations where you should, and you have love that you're part of it. It's it's a deeper love than giving and receiving, you know, if your romantic relationship and you bring this infinite soul love to that, that's wonderful. But we're designed biologically to have a lot of desires around romantic relationships. So it's not just this infinite love, we're kind of giving love receiving love. And it's all conditional and transactional. People have to do things for us, for us to love them, and we have to do things for them. This infinite love is part of that romantic love. Yet that romantic love is included and kind of interwoven with a lot of expectations and desires. And that's how we get hurt and injured in romantic relationships.

Back to what we're doing today to the blog article, quote, get the love you want. Reading from that and essential human need is to love and be loved, to love and be loved. And isn't that wonderful when it happens? And isn't that barren when it doesn't? Aren't we bereft when we're not involved with being loved and loved with loving and being loved in return a reciprocal thing you can get to that at any moment of the day, if you're not there with the secret to immortality and what we teach. I'm there now as I'm speaking, you may be there now with me, that infinite love of our eternal soul right now in here. It is a love and be loved to love and be loved. We don't have to do anything to be loved to love and be loved. We just have to successively find our way to our immortal core. through things like this podcast, quote, we can get this love to infinite degree with the secret to immortality, what we teach here, the pleasure of love. How do you describe this infinite love of our soul, this infinite love of your higher power if you have one of your experience of God or nirvana of nature, or whatever brings you to this beautiful self experience, where we're part of something wonderful or part of something grand. And I suggest to you, all of us, everyone is part of this incredible infinite love, that we all share with each other that we all share with the natural world that we all share with a higher power that looks after us that takes care of us. 

We are not separate from anything or anyone that experiences separation comes from not acting as we should act and not loving, not treating each other with compassionate care, and going one step farther of harming each other of killing, life forms of going to war, the natural world which we teach with the secret to immortality, we teach that the natural world isn't simply a mirror of who we are. It is in fact who we are. Who we are is the natural world. There's no real separation. We control it by what we're thinking, doing and saying, when our thoughts haven't been very good for eons when our behavior is killing other other life forms to survive in our own life form. 

When we're killing when we're acting harmful to each other, and not even aware of our micro harms. We get a natural world behaving the same way because that's who we are, we are the natural world. And that's how the natural world reacts and behaves. It does react and behave as we do. We're talking the natural world of what to give us and how to act. So the natural world can get very chaotic, very cruel and very brutal, because we've fed the natural world. That information, we've written that computer code of the natural world, by what we think, say and do. So it's very essential, important important to get to a calm, compassionate, loving place, and to act from that loving place. So the natural world and every other person can act that way. 

And one of the important ways to do it with mindfulness from fear and mortality is to not accept death as a natural outcome, as the circle of life not to just unconsciously accept death as an inevitable outcome of life. Pause for a little bit with me today. And think, of whether this secret to immortality work is for you. If it is, we look away from death, as a natural outcome, when we accept when we accept death, as an inevitable outcome of life, we're creating it as an inevitable outcome of life. And we're in it's not then, so important, that we learn to act with perfect good compassion and grace, we don't really have to be our best selves. I don't care how much yoga meditation, how many books you're reading, if part of your life Plan Plan, it plans out eventually, if part of your life plan is to die, you're already in the process of death. You're you've bought into it, and it's affecting how you think it's affecting how you feel. It's affecting how you behave, believe it or not. 

So just having a commitment to an eternal physical life, is how we get going with this. And then as we get involved with the compassionate, beautiful love, of this way of living, it's not really important, what our end life becomes, we're working towards an infinite end life. And the more we work on that together, there becomes a critical mass where it spreads as a viral concept as a viral influence around the world, and with the internet and social media, never has there been a time in history of known history, where an idea like this, were an effect of this can spread in a viral way. So it's an idea, it's important to spread that idea. But it's much more important that we embody this reality, of eternal life as who we are. Religions, not just Christianity. In Taoism, in advanced yoga, that's not really written about anymore. And in the Jewish (Kabala) I can't remember the name of it today. But you probably can. 

Teaching about our natural life as spiritual creatures is eternal, physical life. This is nothing new at all. If you're in the West, it's kind of all Jesus really talked about. If you're in the east, it is part of Taoism. And I do have a Taoist Grandmaster that has been my mentor for the last I think, 26 or seven years. He's from Beijing, China. He was trained, initiated by a group of Dallas immortals in the Wudang mountains. 

So this, this is real, and we talk about physical immortality. That's exactly what we're talking about. And there is a reason we talk about physical immortality, eternal life of bliss, love, compassion, a grace and infinite presence of beauty and love is who we are that we share with everything and everyone. It is eternal. When we start to express this with the understanding that this is where we're going, and our personal development, our body changes. You know, some of us don't get there. 

My teachers father was trained in all of this, but he lived in Beijing and he treated people medically for his career and taught Qigong and healed people with Qigong but living in Beijing, his life that he chose his mission was to eventually live very helpful, a very healthy, strong life, but eventually to pass away, usually in China, the men and women that are living this lifestyle, have immortal physical life, they retreat up into the mountains away from the influence of the city. And as we work on this together, we may find a place to retreat in America. Or we may just find a place in the country or whatever, or wherever, to start to practice this together to teach it to each other, to teach people to be teachers of this, where we can pull away a little bit of the energy of the cities where the energy is tied in to an acceptance of death and dying, where we reject that we don't really use our energy to reject anything, we've ceased fighting anything in any one in this in this work, but we don't accept death. As a natural outcome of life, we change our course, you know, when you change the direction that a boat is going with its rudder. If that's the right word, I don't have a boat. When you change the direction of anything that's traveling along distance, you just need to change the direction a little bit. And eventually, the distance, the destination is far, far away and different. So it's progress not perfection. 

With this secret to immortality work,we just change our direction a little bit at a time. And then we don't need to change our direction at all, because we're headed in the right direction, and the work starts to work us. At the beginning, it may be a little hard to form new habits, it always is a new way of living on a daily basis that we teach. But eventually, it's easier and easier if we do it every day. And the energy starts to work its way on us. Our our style, our approach our mission with this work, there becomes an energy in it in our bodies in our souls where it becomes less and less and effort. As we do this work, it becomes less of an effort less of an effort 

again, reading from the article, and there's a link beneath this talk. Leading from an article beneath this podcast episode, there's a link to this article. You can also find it in the search part of our blog section, the pleasure of live as we experience our core self, this immortal self there is a pleasurable love. Our immortal self is really blissful, really pleasurable, compassionate, loving, a presence of infinite love, a love that is at once both loving us as we are loving it. And we're not really loving it. It's loving us we're in a reciprocal consciousness, infinite and unending consciousness, of beautiful love. Life at its best is the shared experience of love. That is what life becomes with the secret to immortality. As we experience our own infinite love. We have love to give when necessary, as I've read here before, in this episode, with love, we can experience the loving soul of all people, we can see love around us everywhere in the world. Our mortal core is love. 

For the best of life. Be wise, be good, and look to your love every day, all day, whenever you can think about it. It's so easy. It doesn't take much to look to your love. 

A Qigong exercise that we teach with eyes closed for 10 you can look to the tip of your nose from the tip of your nose, visualize a ruby red arc coming out three to four inches and curving back into your heart, eyes to nose, eyes to heart and a ruby red arc. You can think of that even with your eyes open at any point at any place in your day. Eyes to nose, nose, a heart and a ruby red arc and then let your attention go to your feet see them grounded, grounded like roots of a tree 10 or 12 feet. So we're looking to our heart. We're activating that immortal core. And then we're letting that love and compassion flow down our body as it should into the earth. So as we should be as humans, we are always grounded to the earth. We have sort of one hand up into the heavens, a heart of love, compassion, infinite goodness in our heart and the connection to the earth. 

So we're a conduit and connection, heaven to body body to Earth. Be happy now, every day, every minute if you can think of it. Now, this is a quote, next a quote that's take some contemplation, go to the web, go to the blog article on our website, and mortal The blog article, again, is create the love you want. That's not right, I'm looking right at it. The blog article is called Get the love you want on our blog site and immortal We go into more and more in this article. And one heading is how to be happy to be at that eternal core is to be happy, to be in bliss to be in love. There's really no name for the beautiful intensity that is not intense at all. It's calm, it's ease, but it's intense, too. When you think about it, there's a quote on our blog article, I'm going to read it now it takes a little thinking. And it might be a little heavy, I'm going to help you through it. 

If you go to the blog article, right underneath the little Rabbit within the article, it says quote, patterns of thought speech and action repeated over time, create everything that exists. And that's the secret to immortality. And that's really this desperately, any personal development program. That's any spiritual development program that has ever existed, our patterns, our thought and speech, speech, and actions and behaviors that we repeat again and again, most of these are unconscious. Our thoughts have unconscious dialogue that has been given to us and our family of origin. We have unconscious speech, and behavior that we're not even aware of. We may not be helping ourselves entirely by how we act, we may be not fully kind to other people and doing micro insults and not even know it ... most of us do, quote, patterns of thought speech and action, repeated over time, Craig, everything that exists. A lot of physicists today. Quantum physicists, theoretical quantum physicist, postulate based on the results, research results, the data and the math, a lot of them postulate that what makes the most sense of what they're looking at is that we're creating this reality ourselves. Again, it's nice that physics is I love physics, I took a lot of Sciences in college to stay up to date. Quantum physics, quantum mechanics, it makes sense to them today, of what spiritual teachers of the past taught that we're creating our own reality. 

Everybody knows this on in a way, you know, if you worked hard to qualify for a job and you work hard at the job, you are using your thoughts, speech and your behaviors, to get ahead in the world to improve yourself with the secret to immortality, we take it one step or a few steps farther and say, we are creating this physical reality because we are this physical reality. We're not just our bodies, our physical bodies, we are every scintilla of this physical reality and expression of it. We go on in this quote, quote, there's one more sentence and and I may lose you here, but I'll explain it, quote, our world is a reflexive phenomenon. phenomenon is just a big deal that we don't fully understand, perhaps, quote, our world is a reflexive phenomenon, where conscious and unconscious actions give rise to material reality. 

So what we do what we program into the natural world, into our bodies, into our brains, into the world around us, it's like a reflexive reality a reflexive phenomenon, of our conscious and unconscious actions giving rise to the material world. We give rise to the material world as people I know that may sound kind of counter to some religions, but I don't think it's counter at all. You know, I was raised up in a Christian tradition. And I don't find any of this counter to anything that Christ taught at all. Price was not an egomaniac that stuff didn't kind of controlling other people with threats, and scary things and real, physical, nasty consequences. When you have a religion that becomes part of a government part of a power structure, that religion changes and what's written as that religion changes to serve that power structure to serve that government. I think though, when you get to the actual words of Jesus, the preponderance of it is pretty much just what I'm teaching. When you get into some kind of higher level. 

My teacher was taught by Taoists in the mountains, and they're not really Taoists at the point where they are as immortals, teaching other people how to live this immortality. They're beyond any words, they're beyond any teaching. They're just dwelling in that eternal place. And in that eternal place, they're having an impact on people around them. 

So when I'm with my teacher in Seattle, and I'm around him, he doesn't teach verbal, anything. That's my job. My mission in life, not his, but he has that immortal presence that influences everyone near him, if they're looking for that, if they're wanting that, and he is sort of tied in to the Dallas, the mortals in the mountains. And my teacher was also discovered and taught from a very early age from Lamas in Tibet, Tibetan Buddhism, but my teacher isn't a Tibetan Buddhist, my teacher isn't a Taoist a little traffic there, apologies. My teacher is really beyond all that just dwelling in the eternal place. And that's where I'm teaching from, I'm not teaching you, you don't have to memorize any of this. You just need to calm down, meditate a little get into a mindfulness here and now and do Qigong. Quote, patterns of thought speech and action repeated over time, create everything that exists. Wow, our world is a reflexive phenomenon, where conscious and unconscious actions give rise to material reality. We are victims of this wild and crazy, natural world that is sometimes acting favorably and sometimes not the natural world. We teach I teach is who we really are. It's our physical body and that natural world is chaotic, and brutal and unpredictable. If we've been acting that into the world, year after year, century after century, killing, brutality, harm, and a lack of kindness, overall, we're changing all that as any spiritual practice does. But we're changing it with a little more awareness and a little more intent of immortality now, of making heaven on earth. Quote, to experience love, happiness, and immortality, you have to practice it. 

This is a quote from the blog article, quote, you may think your feelings are dependent. Sometimes it's inevitable, we may think that our feelings are dependent, you may think that your feelings are dependent to large degree on eternal events in your life, finances, relationship with finances, I'm reading too fast, finances, relationships, job, etc. And really, isn't our happiness dependent on finances, relationships, and jobs, to some extent, but as you practice the secret to immortality work, deep well being can follow regardless of outside circumstances. This may sound like a concept where you kind of intellectually go yeah, yes, that's got to be possible for sure. But on a practical basis on a daily basis, it just seems so impossible. I'm here to tell you that constant bliss, constant immortality presents in your brain, your body in your heart, this joy and happiness is possible to have independent of the things that you want, because I've lived that. I've lived that I've worked through that decade after decade after decade, to get to this decade 2023, where I'm speaking to you and telling you, I have lived through hardship, illness, accident, pain, chronic pain over the long term. 

I've struggled with nothing going right, no finances, no relationships, no job, just being alone in the world for many, many years in pain, in agony, but doing the immortality work every day regardless. And having a little bit of this bliss, happiness and freedom decades ago, and then having a little bit more and a little bit more every day, and working toward it. 

There is nothing bad that happened to you, that can't become a strength. And I tell you that because I've lived that in my life. I've lived out of the injuries out of the accidents, out of the bad luck into good luck, and too good luck, and to grace, happiness and bliss. And you absolutely can too, with everything we're teaching here. I guarantee you can. But it's not going to be instantaneous. I guarantee you that how could it be if you've been practicing something else for most of your life, if your family of origin has been practicing something else, if all your relatives on and on back into history, have been practicing something else, it takes a little time sometimes to turn all that around. 

Yet some of you have nothing to turn around. You're just born into practicing this. And we're teaching you how to do it as we go along here. 

To experience love and happiness, you have to practice it. I'm reading in what I just read to you. You may think your feelings are dependent to large degree on eternal events in your life, finances, relationships, job, etc. Yet, as you practice the secret to immortality, deep well being can follow regardless of outside circumstances. 

Now, there's a whole lot to this article. So get to the article if you want to read a lot of that whole lot. But for now, we're ending this podcast episode. 

bless you and keep you. You are immortal now